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We’re thrilled to announce HSF’s 2022-2023 Fund-a-Need is Level Up The Arts!


To give our students the tools they need to be inventors, designers and big picture thinkers, we must combine academics along with creative arts, facilitating improved decision making, risk-taking and ingenuity. With your support, this is exactly what we’ll do!


Artist-in-Residence at our Elementary Schools


The funds raised will support the salary of an art educator during the 2023-2024 school year at North, South and West. The Artist-in-Residence will give our students frequent exposure to a dedicated art educator and an enhanced Art-in-Action experience.


Enhancement of Electives at Crocker Middle School


At Crocker, funding will go towards the enhancement of our existing electives focused on the arts: Culinary Arts, Communication Arts, Music, Maker Space and more!! We’re excited to take these programs to the NEXT LEVEL through this additional funding.


Get ready to fund this beautiful addition to our excellent schools!


*Join Scholars' Circle by donating more to FAN. All donations to FAN are added to your Annual Giving contributions.